what happened to jennifer phillips after x factor

Not just her phonation range or the song pick, but everything about this video "took me to Church". This has to be the deepest sermon I've heard preached in a while. I know y'all all may be wondering what I'm going on about, which is fine because my experience of this video may really take been a personal sermon to me OlamiTundun, straight from the Throne of Grace itself, then let me explain my perception a little:

1- A 49yr onetime talented chorister (seemingly past her singing prime) gets a life-time opportunity to showcase her talent on X-Gene! A huge secular platform for birthing stars. So she decides to print past choosing to sing any of 2… non 1, but two "powerful" secular songs. Possibly, so that all of the secular audience and indeed the world can relate and capeesh her talent without bias! As a kid of God trying to make it in a secular world of constant compromise and brick wall challenges, I can relate to that and I completely empathise her selection…

2- BUT the judges (who are neither Reverends, Pastors or professed church goers or enthusiasts) advice confronting her "powerful" "main stream" vocal choices and suggest her 3rd song choice instead…sending her back to church…back to praising God! Something that she does every week at least, something that comes naturally to her, something that glorifies the GOD that she serves. And with that song; her "non-then-likely" vocal pick, God was made manifest… not but in her human activity only the spirit of God came down and so much that I watching and listening on my calculator now still feel it. She got the best consequence in the most unlikely scenario.


Lessons learnt for me:
1- When you walk with God, you tin can never be too quondam, likewise late, as well weak or too anything. You are just right! So STAY Truthful TO YOURSELF. Worry non what the globe may think or say, focus rather on the truth y'all know that is in GOD!!!
2- God definitely uses the (seemingly) foolish to confound the wise. Who would take idea the judges will expect through her listing and pull out a 'song of praise' over big hitting songs by Beyonce and Celine Dion??? Only that's the God I serve!
3- When you are in your lane and your eye is right with God…kings truly will bow before you! Did yous see the continuing ovation and hear applause her vocal of praise received? The judges as well, were ethical! so much and so that Rita couldn't sit, fifty-fifty afterwards! And even the swell 'mostly-caustic' Simon Cowell described her equally JOY!!!! That reminded me of Romans 8:1 that says "in that location is now therefore NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ JESUS, who walk not later on the flesh, only after the Spirit". She got four excited and inspiring YES-es from the judges and all of Wembley!

4- Sometimes when you call up you have all your ducks-in-a-row and all your strategies well thought out, then the unexpected happens and you find yourself having to re-calibrate and re-think your choices. Or like in this case other people cull for you an unlikely option. This could be unsettling, scary, uncomfortable and sometimes could upshot in fright of failure or failure even. BUT When GOD IS YOUR SOURCE and you let him take preeminent command over all of your diplomacy, you just say "OK" , you lot clear your throat and chugalug out the tune! And everything and I hateful EVERYTHING life throws (or has thrown) at you, WILL Piece of work OUT FOR YOUR Own Practiced! That'southward the God I know and serve at work!
5- Most profound for me is this: when you are upward on stage (the stage of life), its of import that you always, non only wait your all-time, but you besides always give the best of your God-given talent to all you do. You never know just how many hearts you'll touch or how many lives you lot'll anoint…and how proud and happy y'all'll brand God of you.

So, that's what I mean when I say this 10-Factor video of Jennifer Phillips only preached to me a sermon I'll never forget. It moved me to tears, led me to praise and reminded me who my GOD is and how well kept and looked after I am under the shadow of his wings.
I really am As well BLESSED TO Exist STRESSED (or stressing) .
I hope you get this too or at least go your own blessing from information technology!


Tunde Oke


Source: http://www.iaspireblog.com/share-your-thoughts/stay-true-to-yourself

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