How to Shrink Your Drawing Down in Sai Paint Tool

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Key Puppet SAI is a lightweight, Japanese digital picture program which is very popular among artists overdue to its simplicity and vast range of mountains of tools. This tutorial is a basic manoeuvre which will be useful both for beginners and for people who lack to learn much about the potential of Paint Tool SAI. Also you'll discover more about all its panels and tools, how to modify tools to suit your needs, and several tricks. Let's get started!

Blusher Tool SAI Panels

In Key Tool SAI you accept two main panels to work with: theColor and Tool Jury connected the right and theLayer Jury on the left. You can modify their location in the Window (W). Further controls are available through the Spry Bar at the top.

Quick Bar Quick Bar Quick Bar

Step back can assist when you desire to go back from the recent action. You can use this maltreat more 10 times, and then you'll birth no worries when something goes wrong. Rotating the analyze tail end help when you're drawing from some difficult angles. The Reset button returns the opinion and rotary motion to default. Flipping the canvas gives you a fresh see of your artwork and helps you to incu viable mistakes.

Get to Know Your Color Panel

Wholly Palette types rear end personify accessed from the top bar of the Colour and Creature Panel or in Window (W). We'll look at each of them now.

Color Pedal is an organization of color hues or so a circle that shows how colors relate to apiece other. Using this palette you prat well forg with primary, complement and new color combinations. You can find out more about color combinations in discolor theory. Inside the wheel around is an area with different dark glasses of a individualistic color.

Color Wheel Color Wheel Color Wheel

RGB Slider allows you to fudge colours on the Color Wheel, dynamic their hue and value.

RGB Slider RGB Slider RGB Slider

HSV Slider stands for Hue, Saturation and Value, so that moving this Pseudemys scripta you can alter these properties of the color.

HSV Slider HSV Slider HSV Slider

Color Mixer in this computer program uses grayscale to change values, which can be very helpful if you start drawing with the grayscale first and so applying color.

Color Mixer Color Mixer Color Mixer

Swatches are a place where you can save all your favorite colors. To do that, front make sure enough that you've selected the desired color, and so starboard dog happening a swatch and select Hardening, and this color will beryllium saved in the Pallet. I usually save up colors I use the all but and skin tone colors.

Color Swatches Color Swatches Color Swatches

Scratchpad is a place where you terminate mix any kind of colours without worries, because it won't affect your main canvass fabric. Aft you've achieved a nice result, you can lend oneself this color on your art or clean the Scratchpad and bulge out terminated.

Color Scratchpad Color Scratchpad Color Scratchpad

What Is the Tool Dialog box?

Selection Tools

Our first set of tools is all about selection. There we bearSelection,Lasso,Magic Wand,Run,Zoom,Rotate,Hand andTinge Picker. Also you can change or switch Primary and Lower-ranking colouring material on this panel Oregon nominate the colour in transparent.

Selection Tools Selection Tools Selection Tools

Transform Tools

Rectangle Selection tool also gives us all translation tools, such as Transubstantiate (Command-T) to scale and go around. Hint: press Shift if you need to transform an area with the same proportions.

Also at that place are Scale and Rotate tools—basically they let the duplicate functions atomic number 3 Transform. TheFree Color tool allows you to make perspective and change proportions of the hand-picked area.

On a lower floor you can find theFlip Horizontally, Somerset Vertically, Rotate 90 0 CCW, Rotate 90 0 CW tools, which can also exist accessed from the Analyze (C).

Transform Tools Transform Tools Transform Tools

Lottery Tools

If you want to be successful with your digital paintings, you should definitely vex do it your Drawing off Tools panel.

Tools and Brushes Panel Tools and Brushes Panel Tools and Brushes Panel

Initiative of all, I want to mention that every translation of Paint Tool SAI lavatory induce slightly a different set of tools. For example, some versions can also haveBrush or Water Brush, but basically it's just their naming that differs. So, theBlur tool acts the same as Water Brush and so happening. You terminate change the settings and create an unbounded amount of painting possibilities with antitrust one brush. Sample it and see what works best for you!

Also you can make your own hot keys for all tool by double-clicking the tool ikon, or via Others (O) > Keyboard Shortcuts.

Different drawing tools Different drawing tools Different drawing tools

All tools can be custom-built to your painting needs, but you'll see that they each have their specialism. E.g.,Sketch is useful for quick, rough phone line art, Pen gives you better, smoother lines, and theVividness tool is very nice for blending colors—just same functional with very watercolors. Blur is generally used for shading atomic number 3 well, but the solvent of theBlur and Color tools is various. Which tool to choose is up to you, and Key Tool SAI gives us life-size variety.

Sample of Pen settings Sample of Pen settings Sample of Pen settings

Downstairs the tool instrument panel you can find the main settings for your draftsmanship tools, equal Edge Shape, Sized, Min Size, Density andTexture, and also some Advanced Settings that could be different in each tool. Get familiar with these settings and experimentation with a couple of strokes.

Different setting create different results Different setting create different results Different setting create different results

Edge Shape makes your lines soft or hard, which give the sack have an interesting impact on your lottery. Using Size you can clear your skirmish very gnomish for detail or really self-aggrandizing for color blocks and solid color areas. Min Size up means how much of the color wish fill the edges of the stroke. Denseness in this case controls the opacity of your drafting tool.

Besides, with every adaptation of Blusher Creature SAI comes some built-in textures. They wish add detailing to your artistic creation, making it more visually catchy. However, you can also make these textures on your own or download them, then sum them to the Paint Tool SAI texture leaflet.

Using brush textures Using brush textures Using brush textures

Back to theBlur tool—unlike theColor tool it blends master colors and changes them to a completely different tint. Be careful with that, because sometimes overusing this tool around can lead to dirt happening your artwork, when colors look unclear and pale.

Using Blur tool Using Blur tool Using Blur tool

Select and Deselect are tools that work in a pretty straightforward way. Using them as a brush you cover all places you want to be elite or deselected, and that's IT. After you've made a excerpt, you can move to another layer, and paint in that respect, and allay you'll be working at bottom the selected area, until you remov Clear Pick on the Quick Exclude.

Select and Deselect Tools Select and Deselect Tools Select and Deselect Tools

And that's it for our Color and Tool Dialog box! Hope you've found some useful tips and at once have better understanding of how it works. Now we're moving to the...

Guide for the Bed Panel

First is our NavigatorPanel, which can also be used for straightaway preview. The preview window is helpful for quick navigation OR rough overview. It's a good habit to switch between a slim part of an artwork and the boilers suit picture. Canvas zoom and rotation are controlled by moving sliders operating theatre buttons.

Navigator and preview window Navigator and preview window Navigator and preview window

Then we have theKey Effects panel, which includesTexture and Core.At a lower place you'll take care Layer Mode and Opaqueness with helpful layer tricks to a lower place. Permit's look at them tight.

Paint Effect Panel Paint Effect Panel Paint Effect Panel

In Paint Tool SAI you can come up some built-in textures, operating room make them aside yourself. These textures are applied to the whole layer, and you can bestow lone unity texture on each level. Besides, changing the scale of measurement and opaqueness of the texture you can achieve slightly different results. So again, don't personify afraid of experimenting.

Layer texture Layer texture Layer texture

Moreover, Fringe Effect (in some versions of the curriculum called Wet Edges) gives your artwork an almost watercolor feel! It's like an imitation of the real-life painting which makes your drawings even more interesting.

Fringe Effect Fringe Effect Fringe Effect

Forthwith let's get to Bed Style, which allows us to blend two or more layers into each other.

Convention Mode allows us to get over the layer beneath with a new layer on peak, without mixing their colors.

Multiply,Shade andScreen modes are used for darkening and whitening pictures.Screen has the diametric effect ofMultiply. Use these layer modes for shadows and highlights.

Light acts almost look-alikeShieldmode, but adds even Thomas More brightness.

Sheathing style combinesMultiply andScreen modes, so light parts beneath this layer mode become lighter, and dark parts become darker. Lumi&Shade whole kit and boodle almost the Lapplander way, although again this mode adds equal more brightness and glow.

The easiest mode isBinary—all it does is honorable cover everything in black. But try to change the opacity of the stratum withBinary modal value—it'll change its color whole.

Layer Modes Layer Modes Layer Modes

To a lower place Mode and Opacity you can find two interesting settings: Preserve Opacity and Trimming Mathematical group.

Keep Opacity makes each lines and fills of a layer locked, sol you won't get away from its edges and always paint interior the lines. It's very useful when you want to change the color of your line art operating theatre interchange blocks of people of colour without affecting other colors and areas.

Press cutting Group acts like a mask, and when you paint happening the top layer with Clipping Group turned on, your strokes will always be just inside the painted region of the layer at a lower place.

Layer settings lock and mask Layer settings lock and mask Layer settings lock and mask

Close is theLayer Panel, where you can create new layers and groups, unite the content of layers together, clear and delete layers, and also work with level masks.

New Level creates a unaccustomed usual stratum, while New Linework Layer opens its vector tools for you. New Layer Set acts like a group of layers, then when working you can prepare your layers and won't get lost.

Transfer Down Layer basically sends the content of the layer to the layer beneath it, while glade the top layer. Merge Down Bed combines the content of two layers together and deletes the upside layer.

Clear Layer empties all its content, while Delete Layer simply gets rid of it.

Layer Panel and Linework Panel Layer Panel and Linework Panel Layer Panel and Linework Panel

We Made IT!

I hope now you know a lot more about Paint Tool SAI and this guide was useful for you. Once again, if you father't feel comfortable working in this program yet, just spend around more time and practice in it, and you'll see how easy information technology is. Try to experiment with settings, learn something new, and you'll be inspired to regain your way with Paint Tool SAI. Luckiness!

How to Shrink Your Drawing Down in Sai Paint Tool


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